Nikos Psaltopoulos is the Chief Operating Officer at MarineTraffic. He studied Professional Writing & Editing and his background spans over three continents includes 15 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry as well as roles advising numerous tech start-ups.
MarineTraffic is a leading tech company, its mission is to track vessels around the world and generate actionable intelligence for maritime professionals and marine enthusiasts.
As part of his role as a COO, he implanted a “Deep Work Wednesdays” in his organization. Deep work is the process of setting aside significant blocks of uninterrupted time to do meaningful work on important projects, which means no emails, meetings, and phone calls. Just focus on creating good stuff.
Regarding COVID-19, MarineTraffic had taken safety precautions. They sent their staff to work from home before COVID-19 was even declared as a pandemic. They did what they believe was right for the sake of the team, believing that in order to keep performing and pushing the business forward they must make sure their employees feel safe and secure.
Join Shlomie to this “The Future of the Industry Series” episode to explore the importance of the employer-employee relationship, lessons learned from the coronavirus crisis, and much more!
What does deep work Wednesday mean? (1:13)
How did Nikos implant the idea at his company? (3:56)
What did MarineTraffic do to maintain the productivity of the employees during COVID-19? (5:10)
What was the transition like from the pharmaceutical world to the maritime industry? (13:57)
What the future holds for the maritime industry? (16:50)
Will boats be the main transportation for people nowadays instead of aviation? (20:06)
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